

Research Group








·       O. Annunziata “Salt-induced diffusiophoresis of nonionic micelles. Does the salt-induced growth of micelles influence diffusiophoresis?”, Molecules 29, 3618 (2024).


·       O. Annunziata “Diffusiophoresis of macromolecules within the framework of multicomponent diffusion”, Molecules 29, 1367 (2024).


·       A. Fahim, J. Pham, S. Thomas and O. Annunziata “Boosting protein crystallization from liquid-liquid phase separation by increasing metastability gap”, J. Mol. Liq. 398, 124164 (2024).

·      A. Menke, J. Zachary, M. Hasan, L. Clatom, O. Annunziata, R. Capelli, G. Pavan and E.E Simanek, “Proton Affinity and Conformational Integrity in a 24-atom Triazine Macrocycle Across Physiologically-relevant pH”, J. Org. Chem. 89, 2467–2473, (2024).


·       O. Annunziata “Effect of ligand binding on polymer diffusiophoresis”, Liquids 3, 414-425 (2023).


·       O. Annunziata “Role of preferential hydration on diffusiophoresis of globular proteins”, Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 216, 124503 (2023).


·       E. Cruz Barrios, K. V. Penino and O. Annunziata “Diffusiophoresis of a Nonionic Micelle in Salt Gradients: Roles of Preferential Hydration and Salt-Induced Surfactant Aggregation”, Int. J. Mol. Sci. 23, 13710 (2022).


·       E. Cruz Barrios, T. C. Krause and O. Annunziata “Salt-Induced Diffusiophoresis of a Nonionic Micelle: Roles of Salting Out and Proximity to Surfactant Cloud Point”, J. Mol. Liq. 359, 119271 (2022).

·      J. A. Rard, J. G. Albright, D. G. Miller, M. E. Zeidler and O. Annunziata, “Mutual Diffusion Coefficients and Refractive Index Increments of K2SO4(aq) at 298.15 K from Rayleigh Interferometry”, J. Sol. Chem. 50, 1315–1334 (2021).

·       A. Fahim, and O. Annunziata “Effect of a Good Buffer on the fate of metastable protein-rich droplets near physiological composition”, Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 186, 519-527 (2021).

·       E. Cruz Barrios and O. Annunziata “Determination of Critical Micelle Concentration from Diffusion-driven dilution of Micellar Aqueous Mixtures”, Langmuir 37, 2855-2862 (2021).

·       O. Annunziata and A. Fahim “A Unified Description of Macroion Diffusiophoresis, Salt Osmotic Diffusion and Collective Diffusion coefficient”, Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 163, 120436 (2020).

·       A. Fahim, and O. Annunziata “Amplification of Salt-Induced Protein Diffusiophoresis by Varying Salt from Potassium to Sodium to Magnesium Chloride in Water”, Langmuir 36, 2635-2643 (2020).

·       C.N. Prieto Kullmer, D. Ta, C.Y. Chen, C.J. Cieker, O. Annunziata, S.V. Dzyuba “Hexadecyl-Containing Organic Salts as Novel Organogelators for Ionic, Eutectic, and Molecular Liquids”, ACS Omega 4, 9400-9406 (2019).

·       S. Kozaka, R. Wakabayashi, O. Annunziata, M. Balaz, M. Goto, N. Kamiya, S.V. Dzyuba “Effect of macromolecular crowding on the conformational behavior of a porphyrin rotor”, J. Photochem. Photobiol. A 369, 115−118 (2019).

·       L.R. Lechlitner, and O. Annunziata, “Macromolecule diffusiophoresis induced by concentration gradients of aqueous osmolytes”, Langmuir 34, 9525−9531 (2018).

·       V.C.P. da Costa, and O. Annunziata, “Formation of dendrimer nanoassemblies by oligomerization-induced liquid-liquid phase separation”, Langmuir 33, 5482−5490 (2017).

·        L.M. Jameson, N.W. Smith, O. Annunziata and S.V. Dzyuba, “Interaction of BODIPY dyes with bovine serum albumin: a case study on the aggregation of a click-­BODIPY dye”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 18, 14182–14185 (2016).

·      F. Ramirez-Crescencio, A.E. Enciso, M. Hasan, V.C.P. Da Costa, O. Annunziata, R. Redon, J.L. Coffer and E.E Simanek, “Thermoregulated coacervation, metal-encapsulation and nanoparticle synthesis in novel triazine dendrimers”, Molecules 21, 599 (2016).

·       V.C.P. da Costa, and O. Annunziata, “Unusual liquid-liquid phase transition in aqueous mixtures of a well-known dendrimer”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 17, 28818–28829 (2015).

·       M.S. McAfee, and O. Annunziata, “The effects of salting-in interactions on polymer diffusiophoresis and salt osmotic diffusion”, Langmuir 31, 1353–1361 (2015).

·       M.S. McAfee, H. Zhang and O. Annunziata, “Amplification of salt-induced polymer diffusiophoresis by increasing salting-out strength”, Langmuir 30, 12210–12219 (2014).

·       P. Gonzalez, V.C.P. da Costa, Q. Wu, O. Annunziata, J. Rizo, G. Akkaraju and K. N. Green “Bimodal-hybrid heterocyclic amine targeting oxidative pathways and copper mis-regulation in Alzheimer’s disease”, Metallomics 6, 2072−2082 (2014).

·       M.S. McAfee and O. Annunziata, “The effect of particle size on salt-induced diffusiophoresis compared to Brownian mobility”, Langmuir 30, 4916−4923 (2014).

·       V.C.P. da Costa, B.J. Hwang, S.E. Eggen, M.J. Wallace and O. Annunziata, “Formation and thermodynamic stability of polymer-porphyrin supramolecular structures in aqueous solutions”, J. Chem. Thermodynamics 75, 119–127 (2014).

·       A. Molisso and O. Annunziata, “Composition of coexisting liquid phases determined by Rayleigh interferometry”, J. Sol. Chem. 43, 126-134 (2014).

·       C. Lee, L. Su-Tang, J. Lim, V.C.P. da Costa, G.M. Pavan, O. Annunziata, X. Sun, and E. Simanek, “Design, Synthesis and Biological Assessment of a Triazine Dendrimer with 16 Paclitaxel Groups and 8 PEG Groups”, Mol. Pharmaceutics 10, 4452-4461 (2013).

·       M.S. McAfee and O. Annunziata, “Cross-diffusion in a colloid-polymer aqueous system”, Fluid Phase Equil. 356, 46-55 (2013).

·       J. Lim, M. Kostiainen, J. Maly, V.C.P. da Costa, O. Annunziata, G.M. Pavan and E. Simanek, “Synthesis of Large Dendrimers with the Dimensions of Small Viruses”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 135, 4660-4663 (2013).

·       O. Annunziata, D. Buzatu and J.G. Albright, “Protein Diffusiophoresis and Salt Osmotic Diffusion in Aqueous Solutions”, J. Phys. Chem. B 116, 12694-12705 (2012).

·       P. Budhathoki, L.F. Bernal-Perez, O. Annunziata and Y. Ryu, “Rationally-designed fluorescent lysine riboswitch probes”, Org. Biomol. Chem. 10, 7872-7874 (2012).

·       J. Lim, G.M. Pavan, O. Annunziata and E. Simanek, “Experimental and Computational Evidence for an Inversion in Guest Capacity in High Generation Triazine Dendrimer Hosts”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134, 1942-1945 (2012).

·       V.C.P. da Costa, A.C.F. Ribeiro, A.J.F.N. Sobral, V.M.M. Lobo, O. Annunziata, C.I.A.V. Santos, S.A. Willis, W.S Price and M.A. Esteso, “Mutual and Self Diffusion of Charged Porphyrines in Aqueous Solutions”, J. Chem. Thermodynamics 47, 312-319 (2012).

·       O. Annunziata, D. Buzatu and J.G. Albright, “Effect of lysozyme proteins on the mutual-diffusion coefficient of sodium chloride in water”, J. Chem. Eng. Data 56, 4849-4852 (2011).

·       O. Annunziata, D. G. Miller and J. G. Albright, “Quaternary diffusion coefficients for the sucrose–NaCl–KCl–water system at 25 °C”, J. Mol. Liq. 156, 33-37 (2010).

·       O. Annunziata, A. Vergara, L. Paduano, R. Sartorio, D. G. Miller and J. G. Albright, “Quaternary Diffusion Coefficients in a  Protein-Polymer-Salt-Water System Determined by Rayleigh Interferometry”, J. Phys. Chem. B 113, 13446-13453 (2009).

·       H. Zhang and O. Annunziata, “Macromolecular hydration compared with preferential hydration and their role on macromolecule-osmolyte coupled diffusion”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 11, 8923-8932 (2009).

·       N.W. Smith, O. Annunziata and S.V. Dzyuba, “Amphotericin B interactions with soluble oligomers of amyloid Ab1-42 peptide”, Bioorg. Med. Chem. 17, 2366-2370 (2009).

·       H. Zhang and O. Annunziata, “Diffusion of an ionic drug in micellar aqueous solutions”, Langmuir 25, 3425-3434 (2009).

·       O. Annunziata, A. Payne and Y. Wang, “Solubility of lysozyme in the presence of aqueous chloride salts: common-ion effect and its role on solubility and crystal thermodynamics”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 130, 13347-13352 (2008).

·       O. Annunziata, “On the role of solute solvation and excluded-volume interactions in coupled diffusion”, J. Phys. Chem. B 112, 11968-11975 (2008).

·       H. Zhang and O. Annunziata, “Modulation of drug transport properties by multicomponent diffusion in surfactant aqueous solutions”, Langmuir 24, 10680-10687 (2008).

·       C. Tan, J. G. Albright and O. Annunziata, “Determination of preferential-interaction parameters by multicomponent diffusion. Applications to the poly(ethylene glycol)-salt-water ternary mixtures”, J. Phys. Chem. B 112, 4967-4974 (2008).

·       H. Zhang and O. Annunziata, “Effect of macromolecular polydispersity on diffusion coefficients measured by Rayleigh interferometry”, J. Phys. Chem. B 112, 3633-3643 (2008).

·       Y. Wang and O. Annunziata, “Liquid-liquid phase transition of protein aqueous solutions isothermally induced by protein crosslinking”, Langmuir 24, 2799-2807 (2008).

·       O. Annunziata, L. Paduano and J. G. Albright, “Multicomponent diffusion of lysozyme in aqueous calcium chloride. The role of common-ion effects and protein-salt preferential interactions”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 111 10591-10598 (2007).

·       Y. Wang and O. Annunziata, “Comparison between protein-PEG interactions and the effect of PEG on protein-protein interactions using the liquid-liquid phase transition”, J. Phys. Chem. B 111, 1222-1230 (2007).

·       O. Annunziata, L. Paduano and J. G. Albright, “The effect of salt stoichiometry on protein-salt interactions determined by ternary diffusion”, J. Phys. Chem. B 110, 16139-16147 (2006).

·       O. Annunziata, L. Paduano, A. J. Pearlstein, D. G. Miller and J. G. Albright, “The effect of salt on protein chemical potential determined by ternary diffusion”, J. Phys. Chem. B 110, 1405-1415 (2006).

·       D. Buzatu, O. Annunziata, E. Petrescu, C. Popa and F. D. Buzatu, “Dynamic light scattering: a useful optical method to  probe common-ion effects in protein-salt aqueous solutions”, J. Opt. Adv. Mat. 7, 3161-3168 (2005).

·       O. Annunziata, D. Buzatu and J. G. Albright, “Protein diffusion coefficients determined by macroscopic-gradient Rayleigh interferometry and dynamic light scattering”, Langmuir 21, 12085-12089 (2005).

·       A. Pande, O. Annunziata, N. Asherie, O. Ogun, G. B. Benedek and J. Pande, “Protein solubility and cataract formation due  to the Pro23 to Thr Mutation in Human gD-Crystallin”, Biochemistry 44, 2491-2500 (2005).

·       O. Annunziata, A. Pande, J. Pande, O. Ogun, N. H. Lubsen and G. B. Benedek, “Oligomerization and phase transitions in aqueous solutions of native and truncated human bB1-crystallin”, Biochemistry 44, 1316-1328 (2005).

·       A. Vergara, O. Annunziata, L. Paduano, D. G. Miller, J. G. Albright and R. Sartorio, “Multicomponent diffusion in crowded solutions. 2. Mutual diffusion in the ternary system tetra(ethylene glycol)-NaCl-water”, J. Phys. Chem. B 108, 2764-2772 (2004).

·       F. Capuano, A. Vergara, L. Paduano, O. Annunziata and R. Sartorio, “Electrostatic and excluded volume effects on the transport of electrolytes in poly(ethylene glycol)-water mixed solvents”, J. Phys. Chem. B 107, 12363-12369 (2003).

·       O. Annunziata, A. Vergara, L. Paduano, R. Sartorio, D. G. Miller and J. G. Albright, “Precision of interferometric diffusion coefficients in a 4-component system relevant to protein crystal growth: lysozyme-tetra(ethylene glycol)-NaCl-H2O”, J. Phys. Chem. B 107, 6590-6597 (2003).

·       O. Annunziata, O. Ogun and G. B. Benedek, “Observation of liquid-liquid phase separation for eye-lens gS-crystallin”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100, 970-974 (2003).

·       O. Annunziata and J. G. Albright, “Mathematical model for diffusion of a protein and a precipitant about a growing protein crystal in microgravity”, Ann. NY Acad. Sci. 974, 610-616 (2002).

·       O. Annunziata, N. Asherie, A. Lomakin, J. Pande, O. Ogun and G. B. Benedek, “Effect of polyethylene glycol on the liquid-liquid phase transition in aqueous protein solutions”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99, 14165-14170 (2002).

·       D. Castagnolo, A. Vergara, L. Paduano, R. Sartorio and O. Annunziata, “Analysis of the influence of coupled diffusion on transport in protein crystal growth for different gravity levels”, Acta Cryst. D 58, 1633-1637 (2002).

·       L. Paduano, O. Annunziata, A. J. Pearlstein, D. G. Miller and J. G. Albright, “Precision measurement of ternary diffusion coefficients and implications for protein crystal growth: lysozyme chloride in aqueous ammonium chloride at 25 °C”, J. Cryst. Growth 232, 273-284 (2001).

·       O. Annunziata, L. Paduano, A. J. Pearlstein, D. G. Miller and J. G. Albright, “Extraction of thermodynamic data from ternary diffusion coefficients. Use of precision measurements for aqueous lysozyme chloride-NaCl at 25 °C to determine the change of lysozyme chloride chemical potential with increasing NaCl concentration well into the supersaturated region”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 122, 5916-5928 (2000).

·       O. Annunziata, J. A. Rard, J. G. Albright, L. Paduano and D. G. Miller, “Mutual diffusion coefficients and densities at 298.15 K of aqueous mixtures of NaCl and Na2SO4 for six different solute fractions at a total molarity of 1.500 mol dm-3 and of aqueous Na2SO4”, J. Chem. Eng. Data 45, 936-945 (2000).

·       J. G. Albright, O. Annunziata, D. G. Miller, L. Paduano and A. J. Pearlstein, “Precision measurements of binary and multicomponent diffusion coefficients in protein solutions relevant to crystal growth: lysozyme chloride in water and aqueous NaCl at pH 4.5 and 25 °C”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 121, 3256-3266 (1999).

·       O. Annunziata, L. Constantino, G. D'Errico, L. Paduano and V. Vitagliano, “Transport properties for aqueous solution of sodium sulfonate surfactants. Intradiffusion measurements: influence of the obstruction effect on the monomer and micelle mobilities (II)”, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 216, 16-24 (1999).

·       O. Annunziata, L. Constantino, G. D'Errico, L. Paduano and V. Vitagliano, “Transport properties for aqueous solution of sodium sulfonate surfactants. Mutual diffusion measurement: evaluation of the equilibrium parameters for the micellization Process (I)”, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 216, 8-15 (1999).