Math 20524-050 Calculus II
Spring 2020, MTRF 13:00-13:50 in WIN 170
Instructor: Dr. Igor Prokhorenkov. Office: TUC 311.
Office Hours 12-1 and 3-3:30 on Mondays and Fridays, 10:30-11:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1-2 on Wednesdays. (I am also available at other times as needed.)
My Phone | Office: 817-257-6342 (I have voice mail) Home: 817-423-9030. Feel free to call me at home at reasonable times (9:00 am - 9:00 pm). |
Class web page:
Class web page is available at the address , it contains links to the
syllabus and homework assignments.
Strang and Herman, Calculus, Volume 2.
The textbook for this class is available for free online, in web view and
PDF format at You can also purchase a print version,
if you prefer, via the campus bookstore or from OpenStax on
(Print ISBN 1938168062, Digital ISBN 194717214X).
Prerequisites: MATH 10524 with a C- or better.
Course Description and Goals: The purpose of this course is the understanding of single variable calculus. The goals are that each student will understand the following topics: methods of integration, applications of integration, improper integrals, sequences, series and power series.
Calculator/Computer: We will be occasionally using graphing calculators in this class. You will sometimes be allowed to use a graphing calculator on tests, but not one that does symbolic algebra. I recommend the TI-84 Plus. Laptops, iPads, Netbooks, Cell phones, PDA's and iPod-type devices are not allowed during class, unless they are explicitly used for accessing the class textbook or for taking notes. They must be silent and put away.
Grading: The final grade for this course will be determined as follows.
Homework/Quizzes | 15% | |
Test #1 | 18% | Thursday, February 13 |
Test #2 | 18% | Thursday, March 19 |
Test #3 | 19% | Thursday, April 16 |
Cumulative Final Exam | 30% | Thursday, May 7, 11-1:30 |
Your weighted course average x determined by your scores and the percentages above will be used to determine the final grade as specified in the table.
Note that only undergraduates have the possibility of
the "D" grade. Example of grading calculation:
Homework: will be assigned on the class web page, and it is due at the beginning of class period. Your homework should be neat, legibly written, and problems should be clearly labeled. You can work together on assignments, but the work you turn in should reflect your personal effort and understanding, i.e. direct copying from any source, such as other students or internet, is not permitted. In some cases, the homework may include material that is not covered in the lectures.
Quizzes: the quizzes will be given often. These quizzes will cover fundamental skills that are needed to understand the material.
Policy on late homework and missed quizzes: Late homework will not be accepted. No make-up or early quizzes will be given. Instead, the 2 lowest homework scores and the 2 lowest quiz scores will be dropped. To have a third quiz (or more) dropped will require acceptable written justification. Missed quizzes earn a score of 0. Students who are forced to miss class for an extended period should contact me as soon as possible.
Exam make-up policy: If you have an official university absence that falls on an exam date, you must notify me at least a week in advance to schedule a make-up. In the case of illness on an exam date, contact me as soon as you know that you will be unable to take the exam. A student that misses an exam without prior notification and acceptable justification will receive a 0 on the exam.
Attendance Policy: The university attendance policy states that regular and punctual class attendance is essential and that no assigned work is excused because of absence, no matter what the cause. Please notify me as soon as possible if you have to miss a class due to an Official University Absence, documented illness, or family emergency, so that I can make arrangements for you to make up your work. The last day to withdraw from the class is Monday, March 30. The last day to select P/NC is Tuesday, March 31.
Statement of Disability Services at TCU Texas Christian University complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 regarding students with disabilities. Eligible students seeking accommodations should contact the Coordinator of Student Disabilities Services in the Center for Academic Services located in Sadler Hall, 1010. Accommodations are not retroactive, therefore, students should contact the Coordinator as soon as possible in the term for which they are seeking accommodations. Further information can be obtained from the Center for Academic Services, TCU Box 297710, Fort Worth, TX 76129, or at (817) 257-6567. Adequate time must be allowed to arrange accommodations and accommodations are not retroactive; therefore, students should contact the Coordinator as soon as possible in the academic term for which they are seeking accommodations. Each eligible student is responsible for presenting relevant, verifiable, professional documentation and/or assessment reports to the Coordinator. Guidelines for documentation may be found at Students with emergency medical information or needing special arrangements in case a building must be evacuated should discuss this information with their instructor/professor as soon as possible.
Academic Misconduct (copied from the Student Handbook): Any act that violates the academic integrity of the institution is considered academic misconduct. The procedures used to resolve suspected acts of academic misconduct are available in the offices of Academic Deans and the Office of Campus Life. Specific examples and more details are in the Student Handbook.
Additional help: The Math Department also organizes the TCU Math Clinic, with free drop-in tutoring for undergraduate math classes. See for more information and hours.