Scott Nollet
Office:310 Tucker Technology Center
E-mail Address:
Office Hours: Email to make arrange a Zoom meeting.
Office Phone:817-257-6339
Address: Department of Mathematics
TCU Box 298900
Fort Worth, TX 76129

Fall 2024
Calculus III
Discrete I
Curriculum Vita
Personal History

I got my undergraduate degrees in math and computer science from the University of Minnesota, which is not far from where I grew up in Blaine, Minnesota. I went to U.C. Berkeley for graduate school, where I studied algebraic geometry with Robin Hartshorne. I enjoyed making many good friends there, playing softball (Transfinite Cardinals forever!), motorcycling in the hills, and working my way up to expert in the Bay Area chess scene. Singing in the Berkeley Chamber Chorus was quite exciting at that time, as we made some trips (Germany in 1992, England in 1993) and recorded Handel's oratorios Theodora and Judas Maccabaeus with the Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra for Harmonia Mundi.

Finishing my Ph.D. in 1994, I taught at U.C. Riverside in 1995 and returned to Berkeley in 1996. I didn't have a regular job that year, but scraped up a little money giving chess lessons, singing a with a truly enjoyable group on Sunday at St. Pete's Episcopal church, and doing some freelance work with my buddy John Black which resulted in U.S. Patent 6,324,296. I also sang with the Sacred & Profane Chamber Chorus. In 1997 I was a postdoc at the University of Barcelona. It was great living in beautiful Barcelona - I lived just a few blocks downhill from Gaudi's Parc Guell. It was here that I learned the game of go, a fascinating board game of oriental origin. After returning to Riverside in 1998, I then taught for two years at Notre Dame from 1998-2000.

Some highlights since arriving here at Texas Christian University:

  • working on a few habitat for humanity homes under the gentle guidance of Dr. Richardson.
  • Singing with TCU chamber chorus, TCU chorale, TCU men's chorus.
  • Running 5K races, starting with the Fall Breakaway 2000. I usually find in 24-26 minutes.
  • Summer 2001 two-week cultural exchange program with Universidad De Los Americas along with 8 other TCU professors including Efton Park from the math department.
  • Led a chess and go club 2002-2005.
  • Bowled in a league in 2003, averaging about 140.
  • Fall 2004 became member of the insitutional animal care and use committee.
  • February 2005 gave a talk in Torino, Italy, for the Syzygy 2005 conference in honor of Paolo Valabrega.
  • Spring 2008 co-organized a conference in Chicago for the 70th birthday of my Ph.D. thesis advisor, Robin Hartshorne.
  • Spring 2012 co-organized an NSF-CBMS conference at TCU with Phillip Griffiths as principle speaker.
  • Fall 2011 became chair of traffic appeals committee.
  • Spring 2014 gave talk at AMS special session in Lubbock.
  • Spring 2018 gave talk at TAGS (notes are here ).
  • Fall 2018 notes for I-70 algebraic geometry conference talk notes are here .
  • Here is a picture of my recent PhD student Luis after the hooding ceremony.

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Mathematics at TCU
For all else in the known universe, please consult Dr. Ken Richardson.